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Love Yourself Like You're the Last Person on Earth (Because You Kind of Are)!

Imagine you're stranded on a desert island. No IG, no nosy neighbors, no judgy in-laws or supporting friends or family. Just you, a volleyball named Wilson, and endless coconuts. Guess what? You'd suddenly become the most important person in your world - because you'd be the only person in your world!

Here's a wild idea: what if you treated yourself like that now, minus the sunburn, Wilson and coconut overload?

Welcome to the revolutionary concept of "putting yourself first." It's not selfish; it's survival and actually selfless. In the jungle of life, you're both the explorer and the treasure. So grab your metaphorical machete, and let's hack through the overgrowth of societal expectations and self-doubt.

Self-love is necessary for finding inner joy


Step 1: Build Your Fortress (aka Set Boundaries)

Remember that sand castle you built as a kid? The one with the moat and drawbridge? Time to build that again, but around your life. Your sanity is the princess, and every "sure, I can work late again" is the fire-breathing dragon trying to kidnap her.

Setting boundaries isn't about being mean; it's about being a responsible monarch of your mental kingdom. "No" is not a dirty word. It's the magic spell that keeps the demons of burnout at bay.

Step 2: Treat Yourself Like You're Ryan Reynolds (or whoever floats your boat)

If you were dating the most amazing person in the world, how would you treat them? Flowers on a random Tuesday? Breakfast in bed? Surprise weekendtrip to lake-cottage? Sweet words, hugs and kisses? Well great, now do all that for yourself!

Buy yourself that fancy coffee. Take that bubble bath. Book that solo adventure. You are the love of your life; start acting like it. No need to create an imaginary worlds, just start living and loving the one you're already in. And if anyone gives you side-eye for taking yourself on a date, just wink and say, "Sorry, I'm taken."

Step 3: Ditch the Comparison Game (It's Rigged Anyway)

Ah, social media! The place where everyone looks like a superhero and everyone's life looks like on Netflix series, making yours feel like a badly dubbed infomercial. Here's a secret: it's all fiction. Most of influencers produce perfect shots for living and the super successful ones have teams of photographers, lots of help and need to produce fantastic content constantly.

Grass is not necessarily greener on the other side - it's greener where you water it the most!

Comparing yourself to others is like comparing apples to spaceships. You're unique, darling! Embrace your quirks, your flaws, your inexplicable love for pineapple on pizza or cravings for chocolate. They're what make you, well, you! Just go and surround yourself with people, who accept your quirks and who's quirks you can tolerate.

Step 4: Find Your Soul's Joy (No It's Not in the Fridge)

Before you can love yourself, you need to know yourself! What makes your soul do a little happy dance? Is it painting? Yoga? Skydiving? Competitive dog grooming? Whatever it is, do more of that.

Your soul's joy is like your personal North Star. Follow it, and you'll never be lost. Ignore it, and you'll end up in a cubicle wondering 9 to 5 why your life feels like a beige wallpaper.

Step 5: Be Present (No Time Machines Allowed)

Life isn't happening in your Instagram feed or in your anxiety-ridden visions of the future. It's happening right now, in this moment. Feel the sun on your face, savor that coffee, laugh at that terrible dad joke, let others see the real you and let yourself feel all the feels!

Being present is like being at a concert. Sure, you could be filming it on your phone to watch later, but then you'd miss the actual live experience. Don't let life be a series of "I'll enjoy it later" moments. Later is NOW, baby!

Actatually, loving yourself isn't a destination; it's a journey. A wild, entertaining, sometimes hilarious and often bumpy journey. So buckle up, be your own best and most loving friend, and enjoy the ride. Because at the end of the day, you're stuck with yourself. So, might as well make it the best relationship you've ever had!

Now go forth and love thyself, you magnificent weirdo. The world is waiting for the authentic, boundary-setting, self-loving YOU!

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